Mister Adventure – ConCarolinas 06 Live!

Mister Adventure vs the Master of Zombies. This was recorded and performed live at ConCarolinas 2006.

We’d like to thank the Staff of ConCarolinas for allowing us to take the stage and present Mister Adventure to a live audience for the very first time.

    Thanks to our cast:

Amy Ferrell as Victoria “Vickie” Stone and News Reporter
Brian Halloway as Master of Zombies and Jeffrey Breslauer
Patrick McLean as Steve Abercomb
Glenda Finkelstein and Stephanie McClung as our Sexy Nurses
and Rich Sigfrit as Solomon Stone, Kid Adventure, and Mister Adventure

Special thanks to Mur Lafferty, who sadly couldn’t take part in our production due to a scheduling conflict.

Extra special thanks to Micheal Smith for taping the performance.
